I think that you may want to think about spreading your play around a little more and rethink the time spent camping out at the same casinos. I don't think you will last long if you play 35 hours a week with most of your time at 2 casinos. Being a FT player will require you to travel much more. Once you get burned at one of the casinos, you will be radioactive for a while in the whole area. It would be a good idea to have a large rotation of games so if you get burned in an area, you can just take it out of the rotation for 3 - 6 months. I am not sure if you plan on updating your blog with your adventure but I would get rid of it. You don't want anything that may link you to when, where and style of play.

I don't want to put a damper on your plan but I feel there are some things you should consider. I wish you good luck on your new career and I hope it works out well for you. Keep us updated on how it goes, but just keep it vague.