Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt007 View Post
Thank you! Glad to help.

I don't know much about the KO system, but the EORs for each rank are the same regardless of the count system being used, so off the top of my head I would imagine you just have to subtract 20 (or whatever your IRC is for the number of decks) from each of the indexes I cited above so your running count is adjusted appropriately before each hand. If there's a subtlety to the KO system that would indicate otherwise, I'd be glad to consider it before I provide further recommendations.
Thank you for getting back to me. There is a key subtlety with KO: The 7 is counted as +1; i.e. it is treated as a low card rather than a neutral 0. Thus the tags would be 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,-1,-1