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  1. Electrical Contractor Magazine calls card counters cheats

    In the October 2010 issue of magazine Electrical Contractor, the following can be found:

    “Casinos have to closely monitor players who may be trying to cheat the system. Some ways in which a thief can threaten gaming integrity are card counting and pinlight devices that trigger credits in a video machine without inserting actual money. Cheating is a big revenue loss to casinos, and video surveillance helps protect against it.”

    The article appears to present a ...
  2. Prof. I Nelson Rose weighs in on the legality of Blackjack Card Counting.

    Prof. I. Nelson Rose, author of <em>Gambling and the Law</em>, wrote:

    "In Nevada, the courts have made it clear that card counting is legal. During a cheating case in 1983, which involved a player who was crimping cards to gain an advantage (definitely cheating), the court made an interesting statement: "By way of contrast, a card counter -- one who uses a point system to keep track of the cards that have been played -- does not alter any of the basic features ...
  3. Man charged with cheating at Horseshoe Casino with card counter hidden in pocket

    Feb. 23, 2014.Let's make it clear, using an optical or electronic device is illegal in most jurisdictions. And, the penalties can be quite heavy. This is NOT what we mean by card counting. In fact, the serious devices used in this manner do not even use card counting in the normal sense of the term. They use combinatorial analysis. An exception is a recent iPhone app, that is not only illegal, but doesn't work.

    Using your head is legal. Using a device is often cheating.

  4. As Descartes once said: “I think, therefore I can’t play blackjack.”

    Taken from a 1997 article by Arnold Snyder on the subject, which you can find at:

    Surprising that so many people still "think" that you can make thinking illegal.
  5. Nevada Supreme Court 1983 Ruling

    The Nevada Supreme Court in the case of Sheriff vs. Martin in 1983 declared that counting cards was not cheating.

    The court held:

    "The attributes of the game - its established physical characteristics and basic rules - determine the probability of the games various possible outcomes. Changing those attributes to affect those probabilities is a criminal act. By way of contrast a card counter - one who uses a point system to keep track of the cards that have been played ...
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.