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  • Iwantmoney's Avatar
    06-24-2024, 09:58 AM
    How much unit loss do you have before you raise suspicion of either ou are doing something wrong and or there’s cheating or mistake on dealer part or whatever? I am currently 80 units down in...
    12 replies | 616 view(s)
  • Secretariat's Avatar
    06-19-2024, 04:01 PM
    Hello all! How can I get Excel to generate all possible double deck compositions in four-column card totals Column 1 = aces (total n cards = 0 to 8) Column 2 = 789 (total n cards = 0 to 24) ...
    11 replies | 726 view(s)
  • zbest1966's Avatar
    06-21-2024, 08:28 AM
    I am beginner, I have 2 books "Professional Blackjack" and "Blackjack Attack", from those books what chapters should I study the most. It's so much information.
    8 replies | 722 view(s)
  • chuckybaby's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:00 AM
    A question for math-minded folks... If the prior probabilities of a given card landing on the first box, second box, third box are 40%, 15%, 10%, respectively, what is the posterior probabilities...
    8 replies | 437 view(s)
  • MJ1's Avatar
    06-23-2024, 06:54 PM
    MJ1 started a thread CVCX Issues in Software
    Norm, there are a couple of problems I am experiencing with CVCX V6.0.289. I'm sure other users are encountering similar issues. First and foremost, every time I run a simulation and select...
    9 replies | 407 view(s)
  • James989's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:35 PM
    1) Dealer dealt two cards to herself, 1 upcard and 1 hole card, then dealer peek the hole card and draw cards according to standard house rules. The dealer knows the final total(17 to 26). Please...
    2 replies | 102 view(s)
  • zbest1966's Avatar
    06-19-2024, 03:13 PM
    I am using CVBJ software, with the Hi-Lo. Why is the TC=-1, if there is Remaining Count = 6, Running Count -4, TC -1 when it's the first hand. Should the TC 0 esp. if you this first hand.
    1 replies | 168 view(s)
  • Tattguru's Avatar
    06-24-2024, 07:44 AM
    So I am new , and just trying to get some info on black jack bots . If there’s ones here reputable I can purchase ? And how I can use or go about using it to win real money online in casinos ? If...
    0 replies | 187 view(s)
  • variance.junky's Avatar
    06-23-2024, 12:53 AM
    Right now I live in Asia, No double deck games and most bigger joints have only shuffle machines. I am currently playing the spin & go format (poker) at a professional level at PS online. To stay in...
    0 replies | 81 view(s)
  • Archvaldor's Avatar
    Today, 03:57 AM
    Cheating is something you should be aware of generally and isn't much to do with session loss. The cheat has to be really dumb to be so obvious that it will show up in a session. Conversely...
    12 replies | 616 view(s)
  • Archvaldor's Avatar
    Today, 03:52 AM
    With a 1-20 spread that's four lost hands at your max bet size. No that's not unusual.
    12 replies | 616 view(s)
  • James989's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:38 PM
    Please remind that dealer draw/hit cards(completed her hand) before dealt first two cards to the player ! Will dealer hit/draw cards affect player's first two composition probability ?
    2 replies | 102 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:05 PM
    No. No. You can't have a cut-card effect for a single round. More cards will be used your way for a round than would normally be the case (for American BJ), but since you're not continuing the...
    2 replies | 102 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:39 PM
    At the risk of disagreeing with all of the above, I'll defend my point of view. Suppose this is a shuffle-tracking play consisting of a single round. Nothing beyond the one round matters. And suppose...
    8 replies | 437 view(s)
  • Freightman's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:07 PM
    Great Canadian somewhere in Toronto. How bad was the crap in the main area? I chose hi limit min $100 H17 NSR NRSA 6 deck 4.5,4.75/6 and that was the best game in the house that I saw.
    11 replies | 1622 view(s)
  • Edge21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:02 PM
    Edge21 replied to a thread 4-4 split in General Blackjack Forum
    That is great data. I am using the KO system (mostly playing 6D, H17, DAS); IRC = -20. With that said, would it be too much to ask for you to provide similar data as above, but for the KO system...
    11 replies | 1622 view(s)
  • Cacarulo's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:29 PM
    Yep, I believe this is the correct approach. Therefore, if the Ace didn't land in the first spot, the probabilities increase for the following spots: 25% (instead of 15%) for the second spot, 16.7%...
    8 replies | 437 view(s)
  • k_c's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:22 PM
    k_c replied to a thread Bayesian maths in General Blackjack Forum
    Here's how I would look at it. Successes of card landing on spot 1, spot 2, spot 3, eventually somewhere success(1) = .4 success(2) = .15 success(3) = .1 success(>3) = .35 if trial 1 fails...
    8 replies | 437 view(s)
  • peterlee's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:34 PM
    Three boxes, A=40%, B=15%, C=10%. "The 40% event did not happen", remaining 60%. In this 60%, 15% is in B, 10% is in C. Therefore, 15/60 will be in B, 10/60 will be in C, and 35/60 went somewhere...
    8 replies | 437 view(s)
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.